Cedardale vs. Manchester. Wednesday evening. Like WE control the weather and Cedardale's court assignments?!?! The club (NOT THE TEAM) scheduled all three courts outside for the doubles matches instead of the usual one. The sky opened up at 6:02; so, let it be known that ONE we cannot call the match early per USTA regs and TWO the Manchester ladies were already
en route. Suffice it to say they made it
plain and clear they were none-too-happy with any and all circumstances. With the courts still awash as the thunderstorm passed, Lisa and Kristine were allowed onto a clay court since it had dried out rather quickly. Seeing this, the Manchester ladies slated for Doubles 2 insisted that a court be squeezed, mopped, and readied for play. Despite the danger Bonnie and Salina, The Sunshine Girls, agreed
(try pulling that on our Cap'n or anyone else and tell me how it goes!), playing well past dark. Seeing this, Cap'n moved to reschedule Doubles 3 immediately. Playing in the sauna, er, the indoor courts, Molly handed Manchester's Mimi her first ever loss of the flight. Karma? Oh, I think so...
L to R~ Coach Courtney with Salina, Kate, Shawn, Julie, Bonnie, Leslie and Molly