Cedardale Green vs.
Lynnfield, Friday morning match. Newly formed partnerships and new players to the team served up one respectful first match and brought home an overall dead-even point tie. Vern is pleased. Now, at the beginning of the season, it seems like the perfect time to qualify the following concerns:
One - No need to apologize when you tattoo someone UNLESS you
tattoo your own partner AND it results in an injury. At this level of play it is your opponent's responsibility to keep her racket up.
Two - We all know that
tattooing is really accidental anyway because according to HRH Jeannie, Queen of the Tattoo, when you actually do take aim in order to hit that rotten
linecalling, snotty attitude, skirt wearing opponent
you can't! Three- You never, ever need to proclaim that you really
are a nice person (whether or not a tattoo is involved) because we also know that we ARE nice people. Cap'n Shawn said so. Plus, Dorian has noted that the more someone declares that they "
really ARE nice" the less likely it is to be true.
Ok. I really don't know exactly how to phrase this, so I'll just put it out there. Kristine is having cravings. I don't know why, and maybe it's just too early to know. BUT, when wet cement and other foul industrial/construction odors at the Boston Sports Club smell like baked goods from
Cinnabon, well, you have my attention.
Thank you thank you to Betsey for driving to
Lynnfield to support the team, and kudos to everyone for kicking off the season with great team
camaraderie and play...