So let it be written. So let it be done. The women of Cedardale Green drink whenever and wherever we want to. Before games, during games, and especially after games! There are no rules concerning on court consumption; rather, there are rules regarding STALLING. USTA encourages (encourages!!) players to drink before, during, and after matches and specifically allows 25 seconds between points and 90 seconds for each change over, which is usually when people take a drink. Anyone giving anyone grief should be subjected to a Cap'n-esque hockey stare down followed by full-court annihilation. And a tattoo. Wrapboard after if they really don't seem to get the message.
Speaking of landing some tennis ink, Linda France continues her march toward reminding opponents a painfully simple tennis 101 lesson: Keep your racket up. Also works brilliantly to back your opponent off the net. Jeannie will verify this. An overall three team points were brought home by Marybeth and Danielle, who played with an injured knee despite team rest orders from THE Cap'n (who does that??), Susan and Linda, and Dorian and Kathy. Dorian and I hold some bragging rights given my travel schedule and lack of playing time for having bageled our opponents in the second of a straight set match win. Looks like we have been uncaged, and you know what that means... time to break out our matching leopard-print pullovahhhhs!
Lastly, I send out a Hail Mary request to all. Do whatever you need to do. Kneel to the east, pray, slap on a rivers and snakes curse, break out your New Orleans voodoo dolls, or crop dust your whole house with lavendahhh. Doesn't matter to me. Just send some good cammo vibes to Jeannie and Kristine to rip us a strong and decisive win in their match against Winchester. No pressure, though, ladies. We love you and will buy you drinks either way!
I'm wearing my pullovahhhh right now! Just getting ready for the next win.
That a girl Dorian! Get it all warmed up I will bring the camera...
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