You know that the world has gone utterly mad when you witness Kristine, the Queen of Sweetness, begging her opponents from the service line, " Please, just stop! Really, PLEASE STOP!! Come, on, this is suburban tennis!" I watched Kristine leave after that match still burdened with the weight of the morning. During this time of double-digit unemployment,with two wars still raging, with rainy season descending upon the Haitian community, and school districts that must rely on parent and community donations to supply Kleenex and markers in their classrooms, Kristine's words do carry weight. This IS suburban (read privileged)tennis where passion, if marshaled, should be directed toward issues that truly matter.
We did secure wins on three courts Friday morning. Lesley and Carol brought in a team point as did Betsey and Lisa Brennan, in honor of Betsey's birthday no doubt. Dorian and I played one of our strongest matches of the season. It was just one of those days when you communicate, anticipate, and execute in ways that keep you in love with this game.
In other news, USTA is looking for tennis models and summer registration. ALL of you need to sign up for both immediately. Also, Cruise Director, Julie, has promised to plan a Ladies & Pros, lycra-free evening out soon, so keep those schedules flexible....
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